John 1v14 Believe In The Deity Of Jesus
John 1v14 Believe In The Deity Of Jesus In John 1:14 the Apostle John says the Word became flesh, and in this sermon Pastor Nathan
The gospel of the Apostle John was written as he say in John 20:30-31: Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
This series is an in-depth look at who Jesus Christ said he is, and how that affects us all, whether believers or not.
John 1v14 Believe In The Deity Of Jesus In John 1:14 the Apostle John says the Word became flesh, and in this sermon Pastor Nathan
John 1v14 How God Became Flesh Continuing our look at John 1:14 The Word Became Flesh, Pastor Nathan Tarrant explains how God became flesh. It
John 1v14 The Humanity of God In this sermon, Pastor Nathan Tarrant continues to look at the Word becoming flesh, by showing us the humanity
John 1v14 God Dwelt Among Us In this sermon Pastor, Nathan Tarrant explains what the Apostle John means when he says the Word who became
John 1v14 Do You See The Glory Of Christ? In John 1:14 the Apostle John explains how he and the other disciples had seen the
John 1v14 The Fullness Of Christs’ Grace And Truth In this sermon Pastor Nathan Tarrant explains what it means that the Lord Jesus Christ was