Believe- A Series From The Gospel Of John

The gospel of the Apostle John was written as he say in John 20:30-31:  Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

This series is an in-depth look at who Jesus Christ said he is, and how that affects us all, whether believers or not. 

John 9v1 banner

John 9v1

The Light Has Been Revealed And Received In this sermon, Nathan Tarrant shows us the contrast between what we see in John 8, the hostility

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John 9v1-3

The Purpose Of Suffering In this sermon, Nathan Tarrant explains from John 9:1-3 what is the purpose of suffering for the Christian, and how very

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John 9v4-7

John 9v4-7

The Application Of Faith In this sermon, Nathan Tarrant looks at the response of the blind man to Jesus Christ putting mud on his eyes,

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John 9v8-41

Dealing With Opposition In this sermon, Nathan Tarrant takes a look at the interaction between the man who was healed from blindness and the Jews

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John 10v1-6

Introduction To The Good Shepherd In this sermon, Nathan Tarrant introduces the Lord Jesus being the good shepherd and explains in verses 1-6 what it

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John 10v7-10

What It Means To Pass Through The Door Of The Sheep In this sermon Nathan Tarrant looks at the declaration of Jesus Christ that he

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