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Colossians 1v10 The Sufficiency of Christ To Walk In A Worthy Manner

The Sufficiency of Christ To Walk In A Worthy Manner : In Colossians 1:10 Paul tells us that we are to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him. Nathan Tarrant explains in this sermon that when we sin, fail, or make a mistake, do anything we know will not be pleasing to God, often our response is to want to do something about it. We may want to make sure we do better next time, we may want to make amends, seek to please God through doing right next time. The thing is, an attitude like that is in fact just as sinful as the sin itself.  Though we are called to walk away from our sins, our mistakes, to put them down and put on the new self, we tend not to, more often than not. We don’t leave our mistakes behind, we keep mulling over them, we keep reflecting on them, we keep looking at what we can do better next time, and Nathan reminds us that this is not to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord; fully pleasing to Him, but to walk in a manner worthy of yourself, putting faith in yourself, rather than in Christ alone.