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Exodus 15v1-18 The Merciful Holiness of God

Exodus 15v1-18

The Merciful Holiness of God

In this second sermon from our mini-series on Holiness, Nathan Tarrant discusses the moral excellence of God’s holiness, how it is God’s moral excellence that sets Him apart from all creation, but also how it is His moral excellence that demands the punishment of sin. We see in Exodus 15 how Israel celebrated God’s moral excellence on display, and how it was through that display, His merciful Holiness reached out and brought salvation.  Nathan Tarrant explains how through the crucifixion of Christ the moral excellence of God is shown through His wrath poured out on Christ and that the wrath of God is not only about judgment upon the wicked, but it is about mercy upon the saved. The merciful holiness of God has been shown to all who have been purchased by the blood of Christ.