What is the right way to receive the Lords Supper?
In this conversation we discuss what the right way is to receive the Lords supper.
In this conversation we discuss what the right way is to receive the Lords supper.
In this conversation we discusswhat is the Lords Supper and how it plays a part as a sacrament.
This conversation is asking and answering the question, who should be baptised?
in this conversation we discuss the subject of baptism
In this conversation the discussion is an introduction to the sacraments.
In this conversation the discussion is on how the word of God is to be read to become effective for salvation.y
In this conversation the discussion is on how the word of God is effective for salvation.y Morning Conversation About How The Word is Effective For Salvation
In this conversation the discussion is an introduction to the ordinary, external ways Christ uses to bring us the benefits of redemption.
In this Sunday morning conversation with some of the children of Living Hope, the discussion is about what is repentance unto life. You can hear the sermon Nathan refers to…
In this conversation the discussion is about what is faith in Jesus Christ? You can listen to the sermon attached to this discussion with the children, which is the first…