[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Jesus is Lord and Saviour’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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The short answer to the question, ‘who is Jesus’? is that He is Lord and Saviour to those who come and recognise that fact.
Not everyone accepts the need for a Saviour , let alone recognise Christ as the one true Saviour, but the Bible tells us that it was Jesus Himself who created everything (Colossians 1:16). Therefore He owns and rules everything (Psalm 103:19). That means He has authority over our lives and we owe Him absolute allegiance, obedience, and worship.

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.” Even though God’s justice demands eternal punishment for sin, His love has provided a Saviour who paid the penalty and died for sinners who, through faith in Him, will be saved by grace (1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:8-9). Christ’s death satisfied the demands of God’s justice and Christ’s perfect life satisfied the demands of God’s holiness (2 Corinthians 5:21), thereby enabling Him to forgive and save those who place their faith in Him (Romans 3:26)