A lot of people believe in God, but do they actually know Him? What do you know about His character, His attributes, His attitude towards certain things? In a recent survey carried out amongst Evangelical Christians, it was evidently clear that there was a lot of confusion and misunderstanding over God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Bible and what it says, and the subjects of Heaven and Hell.
In this series, we are going to take a detailed look at the key doctrines concerning God, man, Christ, The Holy Spirit, redemption, the Church, and the future, all for the purpose of giving you a clear and true understanding of God and all that matters.
What you believe about God, what you think about when you think about God, is the most important thing in the universe. What you think about when you think about God is the most important thing you’ll ever think. A.W. Tozer
Series Introduction
The Names of God
In this section of our Doctrine series, we look at the various names of God, explaining what they mean, how they affect us, and why it is important to understand His various names.
Attributes of God
In this section of our Doctrine series, we will be looking at that the various attributes of God, to get a truer understanding of who he is exactly. It is important to remember that God’s attributes are not individual parts, they are all and complete. So you can’t describe God as saying he is part love, part judgement, part grace, part mercy and so on. You have to say he is ALL love, ALL judgement, All grace, ALL mercy and so on. Because he is always these things all the time.
Also when we speak of God, we are not only speaking of God the Father, but of God, father, son, and spirit, three persons. Each member of the trinity has 100% these attributes. The Father is not judgement and the Son love. All three members of the Godhead are all these things.
The Trinity
The Trinity is one of the most controversial and misunderstood doctrines of the Christian faith. It is controversial due to many opponents of it stating that the word or phrase ‘Trinity’ is never mentioned in the Bible. This is true, the word ‘Trinity is not mentioned, however, the doctrine of the Trinity is.
We carried out three teaching on the Trinity, which we feel will help you come to understand this doctrine, more truly. It is important to state that you wont come to understand the doctrine of the Trinity fully, that is not possible, because to do so would mean you are God. But also the doctrine of the Trinity is to be a mystery beyond the comprehension of man.
Gods Providence
Like the term Trinity, providence is not found in scripture. Again also like the Trinity you cant go to one section of verse like you can on justification to understand his providence, you have to look all through scripture to see his providence.
The word providence relates to God’s relationship with creation and it is through studying that, His relationship with creation, that we will get a better understanding of the sovereignty and majesty of God. In this teaching section we will be looking at the question -if God controls all things, how can our actions have real meaning?
Well in the teachings below we will answer that question and a lot more, so feel free to listen as we discuss the providence of God in:
- Preservation
- Concurrence
- Our Daily Lives
- His Relationship With Evil
God & Spirit Beings
In this section of our Doctrine Series, we look at spirit beings, Angels and Demons, and the purpose they have in God’s plan as outlined in scripture, and of course their involvement with us and our involvement with them.
The Doctrine of Man
In this section of our doctrine teaching, we look at the various aspects of man. Why was man created, what does it mean to be created in the image of God? What it means for man to be as male and female, man’s essential nature, our relationship with sin, and finally the covenants that are between God and man.
The Doctrine of Christ
In this section of our doctrine series, we look at the various aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ, from his humanity and deity of God, to His atonement and what that means, through to his offices as Priest Prophet and King and how all these culminate in declaring him God over all things.