Colossians 1v16-17 The Pre-Eminence Of Christ In Creation
The Pre-Eminence Of Christ In Creation – Looking at Colossians 1:16-17 Nathan Tarrant explains exactly what Paul is saying when he declares all things in Heaven
The letter of of Paul to the Church in Colossae is about the pre-eminence or the sufficiency of Jesus Christ for everything in our lives. In this series we will be asking the question constantly, as we go through the letter, is Jesus Christ sufficient for you?
The Pre-Eminence Of Christ In Creation – Looking at Colossians 1:16-17 Nathan Tarrant explains exactly what Paul is saying when he declares all things in Heaven
The Pre-Eminence Of Christ To Unite The Body – In Colossians 1:18 Paul describes Christ as the head of the body, the church. Nathan Tarrant
The Pre-eminence of Christ As The Firstborn From The Dead In verses 18-19 Paul describes Christ as the firstborn from the dead, and in whom the
The Pre-Eminence Of Christ To Reconcile Man To God In this sermon Nathan Tarrant explains why there was a need for Christ to reconcile mankind back
The Sufficiency Of Christ To Present You Holy & Blameless & Above Reproach. The Apostle Paul begins verses Colossians 1:21-22 by explaining that if saved, you
The Sufficiency Of Christ To Keep Us In The Faith – In Colossians 1:22 Paul says that Christ will present us holy, blameless and above reproach,